5 Weeks to Better Health
The Running Clean - 5 Weeks to Better health program is designed to guide you into a healthier lifestyle leaving you feeling energized and in control of your health. It includes weekly coaching sessions, group discussions, and a nutritionist who will be providing healthy eating plans/guidelines and recipes.
"I'm really enjoying this program and the process, so much more than expected, you have put together a great program that I think is speaking to everyone in different ways/in the ways we all individually need it most." The nutritional plan is tailored specifically to the group's makeup and goals (better health, energy, moods, disease prevention, eating for sport performance, etc.) and is highly adaptive to the group's needs. "I was quite apprehensive making the commitment to this group and before it even started I was kicking myself for saying yes for fear of failing. Thank goodness I actually followed through because this has been fantastic. I don't know when it happened or what clicked for me, but I just really want to live my best life and it wasn't going to happen down the road I was headed. The Tuesday night group meetings are something I look forward to. The movies scare me, then teach and energize me. The lovely women I've met have been wonderful. This whole experience has truly been a gift and one that I'm very grateful for." Your support team: Michelle Newton's proven record as a coach known for achieving results and training in wellness and homeopathy make her a uniquely qualified performing edge coach. Read Michelle's Bio Gillian Bogden is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist who received her training from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Ontario. They are considered the industry leader in training nutrition professionals. Read About the Institute Join us for the next program:Winter 2019 each for 5 consecutive weeks:
Thursdays commencing Jan. 17th 6:30-8:00 PM PST or Thursdays commencing Jan 17th 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PST Click here to Sign up for 5 Weeks to Better Health: |
Meetings are held in North Vancouver
Out of Town? Join us in our Virtual Class "In 5 short weeks I have lost 7 lbs without feeling hungry, I have energy and I feel great! There is no turning back!"