Is your life organized in a way that motivates you towards excellence? Have you discovered what is fundamental to your success both on and off the court? Consider the following habits, incorporate them into your daily routine and watch what magic unfolds.
1. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. What do you want? You need to be exceptionally clear on what your goal is, without clarity it will not happen. Form a clear mental image of the outcome and put positive pressure on yourself. Tell a friend or your coach. Attach a timeline to the goal, write it down on a sticky note and place it on your computer. Reflect on this goal daily and take the steps towards achieving it. If you’re goal doesn’t scare you, it isn’t big enough. 2. The ten minute period before you sleep, reflect on what you did well that day. Celebrate your achievements. What are you thankful for? By intentionally focusing on inspiring and serene thoughts your sleep will improve and you will be sending only positive messages to your subconscious. Consider that you are an archive of all your thoughts you have ever had about yourself. Begin to fill your mind with thoughts that will empower you and motivate you and watch your happiness quotient rise. 3. Upon waking, consider meditating. It doesn’t have to be long; 10 minutes is enough to kick start your day with a calm and focused mind. By doing this practice daily you will notice that pressure and stress fades and life becomes easier. Check out where you can download a free app to get you started. 4. Practice mindfulness. Pay attention to your thoughts and how they affect your mental and emotional state. Consciously chose your perspective. In every moment of every day we have the possibility to see opportunity. Practice reframing all situations to the positive. Remember, from breakdowns comes the possibility of breakthroughs. 5. Enjoy the journey. By focusing on your mental state, you will be in charge of how you show up. We cannot control the outcome but we do have control over our thoughts and our perspective. Stop leading a life of what iffs and start raising the ceiling on your perceived limits. Know that anything is possible and by incorporating winning habits into your daily routine you can achieve greatness both in your sport and in your life. Got any other winning habits that you’d like to share? Please let us know and we can mention these in our next blog. Happy trails, michelle
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Creating Peak Performances "If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it." Tonny Lasorda
December 2023
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